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A Company is Defined by its People

For a company, people are an indispensable component.

Therefore, we place importance on the hiring of individuals who support our company.

The company nurtures individuals, and the grown individuals further nurture the company in return.

While creating such a positive spiral, BM TECH aspires to continue evolving.


"Individuals who think for themselves, act earnestly,

and have the ability to produce results."

"What should be tackled now,

and what achievements are to be made moving forward.

We are looking for individuals who can envision,

definitively act upon it, and lead it to results."

Desired Personnel



The BM TECH team

is a group of highly skilled and dedicated that thrive on both saving problems and exploring uncharted territories.

We look forward to your active participation.



We look forward to entries from everyone who will shoulder the future of BM TECH.

Thank you very much for your application.


22/F, 3 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

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